Company Overview
Bank South Pacific Limited opened our doors in 1957 in Port Moresby as a branch of the National Bank of Australasia Limited.
In 1995 a consortium of Papua New Guinea businesses acquired the bank creating the first and only PNG private sector owned bank.
Bank South Pacific purchased the State Owned - Papua New Guinea Banking Corporation (PNGBC - formerly CBA PNG) in 2001 creating the largest Bank in PNG. Other acquisitions followed: Habib Bank in Fiji in 2006, National Bank of Solomon Islands 2007, Colonial Groups of Companies (Banking & Life Businesses) in Fiji in 2010.
Bank South Pacific rebranded to become "BSP" in 2008. Our shareholders include major PNG Institutions - IPBC, Nasfund, Nambawan Super, Petroleum Resources Kutubu, Credit Corporation, MVIL, PNG Teachers Savings & Loan, Comrade Trustees, and the International Finance Corporate (IFC).
- Awarded the "Best Bank Led Mobile Money Programme" in the World. World Connected Forum Awards, Dubai, November 2012. Sponsored by MasterCard Worldwide.
- 2012 Net Profit after tax increased over 14% to K407.7m and assets also grow 14% to K13.3b - a values equivalent to approximately 1/3 of PNG's GDP estimate.
- 1 Million active Retail Accounts in PNG, 200,000 in Fiji and 80,000 in Solomon Islands.
- Over 70 million transactions processed through all electronic and mobile phone channels in 2012.
BSP has been internationally recognised for its underlying liquidity and capital strength, including "The Banker" 2012 Top 1000 Banks, ranked:
- #7 Highest Mover Asia Pacific region
- #4 Profit on Average Capital
- #3 Top 5 Returns on Capital in the Asia Pacific.
Welcome to BSP
Company Overview
Board of Directors
Terms and Conditions
Key Disclosure Statement
Inflation remains a key concern in BSP’s Pacific Markets
BSP Tonga Announces FY2023 Profit of T$14.7m
BSP Tonga Announces FY2022 Profit of T$13.4m
BSP Tonga announces FY2021 performance
BSP delivers strong financial results in 2021, with net profit after tax of K1.075 billion
BSP continues to deliver sound financial results, with net profit after tax of K698m for the first 9 months of 2021
Interest rate Changes for BSP Tonga Limited
Bank of South Pacific launches new ATM
BSP achieves milestone in Vanuatu’s new banking System
BSP offers Relief Package for Customers Impacted by COVID-19